So senior year has been hell of a lot of work and practically no time to myself. I guess that's okay, as long as I get into a respectable College of Music and do my thing.
AFTER these auditions and scholarships and general panic blows over, I'll definitely be headed back to writing the good stuff; the jazz, the 7/8, the ridiculous and perposterous.
I'll also soon be working on a Youtube series(yeah, yeah, here we go) entailing the Music Theory being used in Video Games, from the most common(Mario, Pokemon, LoZ) to the much more specific (NieR, Risk of Rain). I'm sure it won't really be interesting unless I do stuff that is popular, so if you have any ideas for an introductory episode, please, let me know, I'll consider anything and everything.
Well, this is just another reallllllly spaced out update on my life and my occasional postings of music(Read: every 3 months) until next time, folks!
Best of luck to your college hunt! Should be a cinch for ya. ;P